Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tam Machine Knitted Acrylic

YARN: 2 STRANDS 2/17 Bright Cranberry Team Yarn


Cast on 38 stitches. Carriage on right. Knit 2 rows.

Set carriage to hold. Opposite side of carriage pull out 2 needles in hold, knit 2 rows.

Continue down all the 38 needles till 2 are left.

Release Hold button.

Knit 2 rows across all the needles. Carriage on right.

Repeat 11

more times a total of 12 panels.

Take off on scrap (waste) yarn.

Right side facing (knit side) Put stitches back up on the 38 needles.

Place the other side up on the same needles.

Knit sides together or (right sides are inside the now the wrong side of the second half is facing you making 2 stitches on each needle.

Knit across 1 row. Bind off.

Cast on for Band in 1x1 rib 134 st.

Rib at Tension 8 for 30 rows.


Put up 1/2 of the tam on these needles.

Pull out to hold the remaining needles.

Carriage on hold.

Knit 1 row across.

Bind off.

Repeat for the other 1/2 of the tam

For a wider hat cast on a few more stitches.

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